Xinhua News
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Xinhua News
The Xinhua News App is the English-language mobile portal of Xinhua News Agency and a prime platform for people around the world to better know about China. With “Connect China to the World” as the core vision, Xinhua News App relies on Xinhua’s premier and first-hand English news resources and well-selected information to update our global users with round-the-clock reporting, telling China stories and reporting world affairs in a comprehensive, timely and objective way. Xinhua’s premier English-language news resources, including texts, photos, video and audio and AR news, are timely displayed on this brand new platform, which targets users around the world. 新华社英文客户端是中国国家通讯社的英文移动门户和了解中国的第一窗口。作为新华社全媒体传播体系的一员,新华社英文客户端肩负着“联接中外、沟通世界”的使命,依托新华社遍布全球的新闻资源和采编网络,面向全世界英文读者全天候发布新闻资讯,讲述中国的故事,传播全球新闻。
应用详情:The Xinhua News App is the English-language mobile portal of Xinhua News A...
应用详情:The Xinhua News App is the English-language mobile portal of Xinhua News Agency and a prime platform for people around the world to better know about China. With “Connect China to the World” as the core vision, Xinhua News App relies on Xinhua’s premier and first-hand English news resources and well-selected information to update our global users with round-the-clock reporting, telling China stories and reporting world affairs in a comprehensive, timely and objective way.

Xinhua’s premier English-language news resources, including texts, photos, video and audio and AR news, are timely displayed on this brand new platform, which targets users around the world.



更新时间:2023-09-14 15:03:11

权限信息:权限详情 隐私政策:隐私详情